5 Things to Immediately Pray When the Election Results are Revealed

5 Things to Immediately Pray When the Election Results are Revealed

1. Pray that God will continue to bless America.

Remember that He is still on the throne, regardless of who is in the white house.

2. Pray that our Country & Christians will come together and walk in Peace & Unity.

A house divided will not stand.

3. Pray for the families and campaign team members of both candidates.

Many of us will never know the mental battles that one endures when the entire world throws stones at you.

4. Pray for your family.  That God will continue to lead, guide, protect and provide.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord ~Joshua

5. Pray for what God instructs you to pray for.

I believe God is speaking to His children and giving all of us specific things to pray for.

Obey & Pray!


One Comment

  • by Dan Ytuarte, post on | Reply

    Blessings Brother Adonis,
    I appreciate your encouragement. I spoke to our Men’s Leadership this morning and advised them the same and to certainly pray for Donald Trump. He is about to walk into the biggest challenge of his life and will need the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

    Much Love,


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