New Season for the Lenzys

New Season for the Lenzys

New seasons can be the gateway to the Next thing that God has in store for you.

New seasons might begin with a step of faith in the direction that you feel God is calling you.

New seasons can also bring change.

Change can be good.
Change can be scary.
But change is always necessary to embrace the Next thing that’s out there for you.

Throughout my years of being a Christ follower, I’ve taken several huge steps of faith in which God was calling me to let go of where I was so that He could take me to the Next place He had in mind for me.

In late January of this year, I took one of those steps of faith again. God had been preparing me for about a year and a half that the winds of change were coming. After much prayer and conversations with my wife and the church leadership team, God finally confirmed to Heather and I that it was time to let go and trust Him. With agreement from leadership and the Peace of God in our hearts we have started a new journey.

Now, it wasn’t easy after being on staff at the church for nearly ten years. Heather and I met each other at the church and got married there. We also had our two kids while we were there. Over our time there, we have built many great friendships and relationships that I trust will continue over the years to come.

With all that being said, I am in a season of seeking God for my Next assignment. My first and foremost calling is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that God has called me to encourage and empower the Body of Christ, and I will continue to do that as God opens the doors and builds the platform in which He wants me to carry out His calling on my life.

Heather and I appreciate your prayers as we continue to walk out this new journey.  We are excited to see what God will do in us and through us.

The more I think about it, I’m the guy who wrote a book called NEXT.  Yes, the Lord still works in mysterious ways.

Also here are some ways you can stay connected with me.

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  • by Trish Harmon, post on | Reply

    You are incredible. Been praying fervently for your huge NEXT to be confirmed… the latter will be even greater than the former.
    Thanks for posting and sharing your journey as God does even more amazing things in your life and for the future of the Kingdom.
    Hugs to your precious family. Missing you terribly but have been staying connected through your FB & podcasts. Blessings & peace, Pastor.
    ***No matter where you land, I’ll always consider you my pastor. Such an influence you’ve made on my faith.

    • by admin, post on | Reply

      Appreciate your kind words. It means a lot Trish.

  • by Jarrell Flowers, post on | Reply

    Wow, bro. That sounds exciting! The Flowers fam is praying in agreement with you. #NextIsNOW

    • by admin, post on | Reply

      Thanks for the prayers.

  • by Andi, post on | Reply

    You are in my prayers.

    • by admin, post on | Reply

      Appreciate your prayers.

  • by James & Tecia Hedden, post on | Reply

    God Bless you, your family and your Next. Although we will miss your contributions and insight, the example and imprint you have made in our hearts will guide us through our own journey. We stand in agreement with you as you walk in faith and look forward to the watching the fire within you spread and multiply as you reach others that will now be on your path.
    Much love and Aloha 🌴

    • by admin, post on | Reply

      Thank you.

  • by Bill M, post on | Reply

    I am not surprised! I’m so excited for both of you! You have served Oasis and PD with integrity. I bless you and am glad to have called you both friends!

    • by admin, post on | Reply

      Thanks so much. It was a great season.

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