Easy Ways To Connect With Adonis

So a lot of people have been asking how they can keep up with me and what’s going on in my world.  Here’s how: Like my public Facebook page. Request to join my private Facebook group called Next Step. Listen to and subscribe to my Podcast.  It’s also available in iTunes. Subscribe to my Blog […]

Some Of You Just Need To Stop!

STOP worrying about stuff that is out of your control.  Let it go and focus on moving forward. STOP trying to make everybody happy.  It’s not worth it and it will only drain you emotionally. STOP complaining about your current situation and start doing something to make it better.  If you want change, you have […]

5 Things You Should Do After Midnight 2017

It’s a brand new year.  Now What? Got plans to make this a great 2017? Here are 5 things you should do after midnight 2017. 1. Thank God for bringing you through another year. I know for some it could have been a rough year and things didn’t go as planned.  The silver lining is […]

5 Things You Should Focus On In 2016

When starting out a New Year, there is always that question of, “What am I gonna do this year?” For many it might be the same old thing, but there are many who will want this New Year to be something different…..Something Better…..Something More! Are you tired of the same old routines? Are you overwhelmed […]

5 Things I Quit Believing And You Should Too

The power of belief is a force that has the potential to move us into our dreams or to stop us from ever trying to reach something that we are so passionate about. Do you believe it? “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford Here are 5 things […]

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Me

Photo by: Russ Harrington I’m not saying I’m an interesting person and all, but I just thought it would be fun to share a few things about myself that you probably don’t know. 1. I believe in Aliens. Yes, I think there is life on other planets out there somewhere. 2. I have a shark […]

Dear Dr. King Please Accept My Apology

Dear Dr. King, I am writing not to express my opinions of the Ferguson ruling on whether or not I agree or disagree with the decision. The reason I am writing you is to simply apologize on behalf of all of the protestors who chose and are choosing to protest through violence, vandalism and by […]

I Wrote A Post About My Wife Heather

I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmingly blessed that I am married to such an Amazing Woman. I’ve been married to Heather for over 10 years and it just keeps getting better. It’s so awesome how God can take two people who are opposites in many ways and put them together on a journey and […]