Growing up my dad was my hero. It was easy to see how he loved all of us and would do anything for us. I remember sharing special moments together that I will always remember.
When I was around 15 yrs old, my parents started having trouble in their marriage, which led to divorce. The last time I ever saw my dad was my 16th birthday and after that he moved away to another state.
I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by great leaders in the church we attended. They became my role models, which ultimately shaped my future of being in the ministry for nearly 20 yrs.
When I moved to Nashville, I met my wife Heather. We got married and had two beautiful children. It wasn’t until having children that I realized that for 16 years, my dad taught me everything I needed to know about fatherhood. He left many lasting impressions on me that have influenced the way I father my children.
I found myself sharing many special moments with my children, just like my dad shared with me. In fact I realize that I am the father I am today because of my dad.
Being a father has literally changed my life. I love being a dad and getting to make those special moments with my children.
A few years ago I wrote a song called Daddy Time. It’s all about those special moments with my kids that were influenced by my dad.
I hope that one day he is able to hear this song.
I want him to know that he was a great father.
Here’s a short video that gives the backstory of the song.