5 Distractions To Watch Out For In 2016

It happens without fail: the moment you make up your mind to start moving toward your dreams or goals, you will invariably encounter resistance, setbacks, and failures on your journey. Now, don’t freak out. These circumstances are all just a part of the process, and they will happen a time or two while you’re on […]

A Great America

Our son loves for us to roll down his window so he can wave his American Flag in the wind.  It’s a small American Flag that he was given at a Veterans Day parade in our community.  As I looked at him for a moment I had an overwhelming sense that it was my responsibility […]

3 Things I Learned From A Bald Eagle

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]~Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) Several years ago I learned a valuable life lesson from a bald […]