NO, Don’t Do That!

NO, DON’T DO THAT! I’m sure you’ve heard those words a time or two when you were a kid about to jump off the top of your bunkbed or about to climb that 100 year old tree at your grandparent’s house. Your parents told you that because they didn’t want you to get hurt.  In […]

My List To Make 2019 Great

So I like to make a list at the beginning of every New Year.  It’s a simple list that offers some suggestions on how to have a great year.  I’ll be applying these to my life and thought I would pass them along to you in case you don’t have a list of your own. 1. […]

Inspiring Moments TV Show Coming to the TBN Salsa Network

It’s been a little over two months since we launched the “Inspiring Moments” TV Show locally in Nashville, TN on the WHTN TV station and also on our social media platforms, which include Facebook, YouTube and Periscope.  A Huge THANK YOU to all of our supporters and partners of Adonis Lenzy Ministries for making all […]

TV Show “Inspiring Moments” Launches In Nashville

I am excited that my new TV show has launched in Nashville & Middle TN.  It’s called, Inspiring Moments with Adonis Lenzy.  If you are in the Nashville or Middle Tennessee area, then you can watch it on the WHTN station every Thursday night at 9:30PM.  Feel free to visit the WHTN website to check […]

Adonis Lenzy Ministries Update

Update on Adonis Lenzy Ministries In 2017 we launched Adonis Lenzy Ministries for the purpose of continuing to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as we can through various platforms including Television, an Online Ministry & speaking for Churches and organizations. Television Program First of all I want to give a huge “Thank You” to […]

Why Is It So Hard To Apologize?

OK, now this is something that we all should have learned in kindergarten. It’s a simple act that doesn’t require much effort and when done with meaning, it can make all the difference in the world. Recently we’ve been working with our little girl on the importance of just saying, I’m sorry, whenever she’s done […]

What The Heck Are You Still Doing Driving A Cab?

This is an excerpt from my book Next in chapter 15 “No Risk No Reward” Thinking about doing something is different than actually doing it. Don’t get stuck in a thought process of trying to figure everything out. As my grandma used to say, “If you think long, you think wrong.” Usually when you think […]

New Season for the Lenzys

New seasons can be the gateway to the Next thing that God has in store for you. New seasons might begin with a step of faith in the direction that you feel God is calling you. New seasons can also bring change. Change can be good. Change can be scary. But change is always necessary […]